Tererai Trent International is incredibly thankful for its global partners! Many of which have multiple businesses, foundation and duties, yet they take out the time to gather and rally behind us as we make a generational impact on the youth and women in Zimbabwe. Our latest group comes out of Arizona by Brianne Hovey. $25,000 was raised for Tererai Trent International to further youth education and for specifically digging more water wells at school locations. Read a little about the leader of this endeavor Brianne Hovey! We are infinitely thankful for her and her team’s generosity and assistance.


Brianne is a wife, mama of four, entrepreneur, speaker, author, and photographer.

She started her own journey as a massage therapist in 2001. The portal to healing swung wide open, and without hesitation, she walked through it. In the following years, she became an Esthetician, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and Essential Oil Master Teacher. She has built a team of 400,000 wellness warriors across 50 different countries and became one of the top leaders in doTERRA Essential Oils.

She created “The Essential Oil Masterclass”, a 7-week course to becoming an essential oil expert, along with many other successful programs.


She expanded her business beyond network marketing, creating online programs and offering one on one coaching for women entrepreneurs in all different fields.

Her Daily Awareness Card Deck and Journal “Soul Truth” was launched January of 2019 which helps you tap into your inner wisdom. She is currently writing her first book, “Come out of Hiding”. Her love for creativity, art, and helping others see their beauty has brought her back to one of her biggest passions, branding with soul photography.

She travels the world holding workshops and retreats as she guides women to unleash their potential and shine their sacred light on the world.

Currently she helps raise money for foundations she believes in, and will start her own in the next few years.

She has a passion for all things movement, through dance, boxing, yoga, and soul work. She has many teachers and she values love, growth, and contribution above all else. She loves her role as wife and mother, it is her biggest honor in life, she has built everything around her family as her core purpose.